Monday, December 1, 2014

Unplugged Weddings Are The Latest Craze

wedding photos by wedding guests get in the way of wedding ceremony

No wedding ceremony photos please!

Photo courtesy of Blush Bridal

I must say, I read this article and had to reply "amen!" I have seen this happen at SO many weddings of late and very frustrating for the photographer and ultimately so disappointing for the wedding couple.
This article by Anne Chertoff of Yahoo Style!
Did you know that the bride and groom usually hire a professional photographer and videographer to capture the special moments of their wedding day? And while you, dear guest, may think that you’re helping them by taking photos they can use online or in a scrapbook, you may actually be ruining the images they are paying thousands of dollars for.
Over the last year photographers, wedding planners, and even the couples themselves, are planning unplugged weddings in which guests are asked to refrain from recording devices, especially during the actual ceremony. In a recent USA Today article, Ohio-based photographer Corey Ann Balazowich even admitted to presenting the idea to her clients (So far it has been well received.)
Guests may not realize that they’re getting in the way, or maybe they selfishly want to take their own images so they can post to their social platforms (after all did it really happen if you didn’t Instagram it for the world to see?) Photographers, however, are pleased by notion of the ban.
“Camera phones at weddings are a huge problem for photographers,” Minneapolis-based photographer Liz Banfield tells Yahoo Style. “Not only do these guests get in the way but they also can ruin the background of a photo. Literally every aisle shot I have from the last few years has someone holding out a phone into the aisle.”
And it’s not just photographers encouraging this new trend. Colin Reiser, co-owner of the wedding filmography agencyBlue Kite Cinema, shared with Yahoo Style the scenario of lining up the perfect shot to catch the couple’s first kiss at the end of the ceremony, and having a guest pop up in front of his video camera to shoot it on his iPhone.
“You end up missing the whole thing because at the last second, a guest forgets that he wasn’t the one who was hired to professionally capture the wedding,” he said. “Now, after all that build up, all you have to show is an extreme slow motion shot of the back of a guest’s head, and you have to explain to the couple why they have to ask a random guest to see their first kiss.”
Couples are not only concerned about their “ruined” wedding photos and video, but the in-the-moment experience their guests are missing by watching the first kiss, first dance, and cake-cutting ceremony via a 5-inch screen instead of through their own eyes.
“In addition to being disruptive to the photographers, taking photos on your phone or iPad is disruptive to the entire experience,” says celebrity-wedding planner Marcy Blum. “A guest can’t be shooting the wedding and be in the moment at the same time.”
So how can you ensure that only the professionals are shooting your wedding? 
Banfield recommends letting guests know via signage as they walk in that this is an unplugged wedding. You can also have the ushers remind guests that the couple is requesting they refrain from taking their own photos.
“I think it’s important it be phrased that it’s the request of the bride and groom, and not the rules of the church, which people will break,” she adds.
And just in case they may have forgotten since taking their seat, Jung Lee of FÊTE suggests reminding them one more time. “Right before the ceremony begins, have the officiant inform everyone that the couple requests that they enjoy the ceremony live, and refrain from taking photos. He can also add that all the professional photos will be shared later on.”
If you want to truly ensure that no one will jump into the aisle to take photos, New York based wedding and event planner,Lindsay Landman suggests creating a phone check.  Simply have guests check their phones—into plastic bags that are clearly labeled—as they would check their coat. “This way if they do need to make a call they can simply uncheck their phone, and then check it back in,” she explains.
For couples having a destination wedding, Blum recommends you inform guests that you’re having an unplugged wedding via a note left with the welcome bag.
“Since they won’t have their phone with them at the wedding, we’ll leave an alternate number guests can give to their babysitter, nanny or someone else who may need to reach them, and my staff will answer and relay any messages,” Blum explains.
Above all, remember to let the professionals do their job. You do yours: Be present and enjoy the experience.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

The Golden Rules of Wedding Guest Etiquette

DJ Services from 'RocNRev' Michael Taylor of At Your Service Weddings, San Luis Obispo on the Central Coast of California
Wedding guests having a blast from one of my 'RocNRev' weddings!

There are so many publications and tips for the brides out there, thought I'd pass on these suggestions for the wedding guests- reprinted from Yahoo Shine!

Can you wear white? “It’s generally not a good idea for guests to wear white to avoid drawing attention from the bride,” Jamie Miles, editor of,tells Yahoo Shine. “However, there are two exceptions: if you know the bride is wearing a colored dress or the wedding has, say, a ‘black-and-white’ theme.” Ditto for ivory, off-white, blush, or champagne. However, if you’re determined to wear white, opt for a short dress (provided the bride is wearing a floor-length gown). Otherwise, why not pop in bold colors?

Should you spend $100 on a gift? Between the engagement party, the bridal shower, and the nuptials, its no wonder the cost of weddings is rising — each guest spends an average of $79 on a gift (If you go in with a partner, the cost spikes to $146.), according to a recent study conducted by The Knot. But take comfort in the following, “There’s no hard and fast rule when it comes to gift giving; it really depends on your budget,” says Miles. So if your total budget is $100, spend $20 on the engagement gift (maybe a framed picture of the happy couple), $20 for the shower gift (Stainless steel measuring spoons are always nice.), and $60 on the wedding gift (There are plenty of items at this price.) Done.

Is it OK to post wedding photos on social media?
 No doubt you’ll have your smartphone handy, but posting photos of the ceremony, the venue, or the couple on social media is tricky territory. For one, the bride and groom may want to vet potentially unflattering shots (Wouldn’t you?), and you could seem detached from the festivities if you’re hunched over your phone uploading photos all evening. One exception: “Lots of weddings are getting more social whereby the couple will include hashtags on their invitations to streamline their photos,” says Miles. “Otherwise, feel free to post selfies or group shots."

Do you have to at least attempt to catch the bouquet? Elbowing a group of women to catch a bouquet of flowers may not be your thing, and that's OK. "As weddings become less conventional, many couples are forgoing certain traditions like the garter or bouquet toss,” says Miles. “However, guests can always opt out. It’s unlikely that anyone will notice anyway.”

Do you really have one year to send a gift? Yes. Although in a perfect world, guests would send gifts as close as possible to the wedding date, that’s not always realistic. That’s why couples keep their online registries open for an entire year after their wedding, so that friends or family members who were too busy, financially strapped, or just plain forgot can still send a token of congrats.

Can you bring children? This one is a no-brainer: Guests should never assume that children are invited to a wedding unless specified by the couple. “Usually, the invitation will be addressed to each family member by name,” says Miles. “If not, don’t take it personally. Kids are an added expense, from factoring in special menus to arranging post-ceremony activities." If the wedding is kid-free, arrange ahead of time for child-care or if that's simply not an option, one parent can always skip the festivities and stay home to babysit. 

Friday, July 25, 2014

Wedding Traditions From Around the World

From San Luis Obispo and the Central Coast of California a glimpse at wedding traditions from around the world
Farzana Shaikh applies henna to visually impaired brides at the Andh Kanya Prakash Gruh institute as part of a ritual ahead of their marriages in Ahmedabad, India.

I found this article bKat Kinsman from CNN. I always find it interesting to learn about wedding customs and ceremonies from around the world!
 For as long as couples have been tying the knot, the rites and customs of their cultures have been integral to marriage ceremonies. These rituals uphold tradition as time marches forth and families meld -- and they're a wonderful opportunity to celebrate ancestors, origins and faith.
While some of these traditions have fallen out of favor and are no longer the norm, couples around the world still incorporate these age-old outfits, sounds, foods and activities as they celebrate their wedding day ... or days ... or week.
Symbolic objects play an important role in a traditional Iranian marriage ceremony. The "Sofreh-ye Aghd" is a collection of items spread out on the floor on a luxurious cloth usually passed from mother to daughter. Two candelabras are placed on the cloth on either side of a mirror, representing the brightness of the couple's future together. Seven herbs and spices guard the bride and groom against spiritual harm, and a copy of the couple's holy book is included to represent God's blessing over the proceedings. Married female family members hold a scarf or shawl over the couple's heads while two sugar cones are ground over them to shower the union in sweetness and joy.
Weddings in Tunisia are typically lavish, joyous, raucous, multi-day affairs, including henna applications on the hands and feet of the bride in the company of her female friends and family, and thrones on which the happy couple sits for the bulk of the proceedings. While customs vary per region, the bride will usually be walked to the ceremony accompanied by the songs and zaghareed (ululations) of friends and relatives. She will often, on one night of the proceedings, wear a heavy gold dress (which is sometimes rented, though some girls start making one in their teens), on which shapes like fish or the hand of Fatma (daughter of the prophet Muhammed) are embroidered. While it is rarely the case these days, in centuries past, the bride-to-be would be spun around while wearing the dress, to finally face her future husband for the first time.
Sephardic Jews
These traditions have certainly faded over time, but some Sephardic Jews employ fish in various aspects of their wedding ritual. On the Balkan Peninsula, a bride may step or jump over a dish full of fish in order to encourage fertility. In Morocco, the seventh day at the end of the wedding week is the Day of the Fish. The groom, in his new role as the head of the household, will purchase an excellent fish from the market. Once it is prepared, he will take a bite, then give the rest to his wife -- also a gesture toward fertility, and proof that he can provide for his future family.

San-san-kudo is a family affair, and it comes in threes. During a Shinto ceremony, the bride, groom and both sets of their parents each take three sips of sake from each of three stacked cups, for a total of nine sips. This ritual is meant is to create a bond between the two families and deepen the couple's union.
This modern pagan religion draws heavily from Celtic tradition when it comes to tying the knot. Some practitioners refer to the wedding itself as "handfasting," but the specific ritual entails binding a couple's hands to one another with a ribbon, cord, rope or cloth to form a unity symbol and seal their bond. Colors, patterns and charms may be specially chosen to represent various attributes wished for in the marriage.
Mexican tradition also involves binding partners together. There's it's done with a "lazo" -- often a ribbon or a rosary -- draped in a figure eight around the couple's shoulder after their vows in order to strengthen their connection and symbolize their never-ending love. It's removed at the end of the ceremony, and given to the bride as a keepsake.
"Anand Karaj" translates to "blissful union" and the joy may be spread out for anywhere from one to three days. The ceremony itself cannot take place at a hotel or banquet hall, but is usually conducted at a Sikh place of worship -- a Gurdwara -- or often at the bride's home. Food often demarcates the start and finish of the religious proceedings. Families come together to greet one another over tea and light snacks during a "Milni," and then enter the space where the rite occurs. After a gift of cash from the groom to the bride's family, prayers, readings, vows and several walks by the couple around the room, Karah Prashad -- a sacramental pudding -- is distributed to all to indicate the end of the ceremony.
Both brides and grooms in native Hawaiian tradition wear flower garlands as a physical manifestation of their love for one another, and to some, the twining of the stems is reflective of two families now becoming one. A more tourist-friendly version established in the past couple of decades involves winding the leis around the couple's hands to bind them together. In the rarer ho'ao ceremony, the betrothed are draped in a blessed cloth (traditionally made of bark, but now more frequently fabric) called a kapa, to bring abundance, health, wealth and, if desired, many children.

Monday, July 7, 2014

This Officiant Cheers Wedding Couple Facing the Storms of Life Together!

This article posted in Yahoo Shine by Lilit Marcus

Photographer Captures Tornado in Couple's Wedding Pictures

Wedding Officiant Cheers this couple on! Photography By Collen Niska Photography/FacebookPhoto by Colleen Niska Photography/FacebookColleen Niska, a photographer based in Saskatchewan, Canada, got the surprise of her career when a tornado made a surprise appearance in the background of a couple's wedding photos. The couple, whom she has not identified, was married in Saskatchewan on Saturday, and Niska shared the pictures on Facebook with this comment: "I've dreamed about a day like this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Could NOT wait to post these! Pretty sure this will only happen once in my lifetime!" The beautiful blue sky in the background is offset by a swirling cloud in the background, but the bride and groom walk blissfully along the road hand-in-hand, unaware of what's behind them.
Almost as soon as Niska published the pictures online, they went viral. So far, the photo gallery has more than 22,000 likes and 15,000 shares. "So this is probably the best wedding photo of all time!" wrote one commenter. "Just throw the camera away now it will be hard to ever top these photos. Unreal," wrote another.
Wedding Officiant Cheers this couple on! Photography By Collen Niska Photography/FacebookPhotography By Collen Niska Photography/FacebookCanadian news station confirms that two tornadoes touched down near the town of Outlook, which is about an hour away from where the couple was married. The bride and groom said that the wind blew a tent over, but otherwise the reception was a success and no one was injured.
And some commenters believe the tornado in the background might have symbolism. "I love how they are so into each other no matter what storm life brings. Very meaningful," one commenter wrote, while others drew metaphors such as "weathering the storm." And for Niska, the artistic achievement also has had a professional payoff. She gained 7,000 new Facebook fans in the past week alone. Still, there's one potential downside to her newfound celebrity: Several commenters on Facebook have already started requesting that she get tornadoes in their pictures, too. Thank goodness for Photoshop.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Wedding Cake Ideas!

Brides Crave 'Naked' Cakes for Summer Weddings

The wedding cake is getting a make-under this season.
Responding to requests for more seasonal and visually appetizing cakes, bakeries across the country have taken to producing custom creations that they've christened 'naked' cakes. Like traditional wedding showpieces, these confections sandwich creamy buttercream frosting between tiers of tender layer cake. But the similarities end there. Because of their exposed-crumb finish, these cakes prove that it's what's on the outside that counts.
The brain behind the bold new look is Christina Tosi. As the owner of Momofuku Milk Bar, Tosi is famous for her whimsical approach to seriously delicious baked goods. Her signature wedding cakes are no exception. Featuring such flavors as salted pretzel and 'birthday cake,' these works of art are a welcome departure from the industry standard. Tosi says a desire to cast recipes and flavors as the "visual stars" of her creations pushed her to reinvent more traditional models. "Why am I hiding all of the colorful, textural, exciting parts of being in the kitchen behind of decor?" she remembers asking herself. "Why not challenge the norm?"
It seems brides are just as eager to buck convention. Superfine Bakery owner Andrea Boudewijn reports that the trend has becoming increasingly popular at her Los Angeles studio: "It's not the same old white wedding cake with buttercream and flowers. It's very fashionable and stylish and delicious, frankly." Unlike their fondant-covered cousins, 'naked' cakes cannot be prepared ahead of time. They are especially susceptible to air and tend to dry out quickly. To keep them moist, Boudewijn bakes and assembles each cake on the morning of the wedding. "It's high risk, but it's important."
Head pastry chef at Alice's Tea Cup in New York John Rusk agrees that taste plays into the growing demand for exposed-edge cakes. "[Couples] want something that looks appetizing. And since there's not as much time needed to decorate them, we can assemble them much closer than the time that they're going to be eating and enjoyed.”
But despite their relative simplicity, Brooklyn-based baker Alana Jones-Mann promises that bare cakes can feel just as special as more intricate models: "The filling, the top, the overall décor of the cake will really set the tone. There’s still a way to keep them unique." A selection of just-ripened berries, fruity preserves, or fresh flowers are her favorite adornments. Jones-Mann encourages brides considering the stripped-down style to look toward the calendar for inspiration. "I always recommend not putting sugar flowers or fondant on the top of the cake, because I want to choose elements that will add to the natural beauty of the cake," she says. "Let the season influence the flavor."

Imagined by Alana Jones-Mann, this large chocolate cake (center) is filled with vanilla buttercream (center) and adorned with fresh seasonal fruit. It is flanked by two smaller French vanilla cakes layered with vanilla buttercream and topped with a mixed-berry preserve and fresh berries.
JBM WeddingsJBM Weddings
This playful carrot cake from Ellen Baumwoll of Bijoux Doux Specialty Cakes is topped with fresh fruit and flowers.
Bijoux Doux, Cheryl Kleinman Cakes, Betty BakeryBijoux Doux, Cheryl Kleinman Cakes, Betty Bakery

This whipped cream cake by Edith Meyer Wedding Cakes is filled with chocolate ganache and seasonal berries and topped with fresh flowers.

Edith Meyer/Edith Meyer Wedding CakesEdith Meyer/Edith Meyer Wedding Cakes

This three-tier salted pretzel cake by Momofuku Milk Bar is filled with stout ganache and burnt honey frosting and sprinkled with salted pretzel crumbs. Owner Christina Tosi is determined to stay on the cutting edge. These days, she's running slightly ahead of schedule: "I'm dreaming of gingerbread houses [and] cranberries and cream cheese frosting."
Momofuku Milk BarMomofuku Milk Bar
Momofuku Milk Bar mixed three unique flavors to create this large three-tier cake. The bottom tier is made of rainbow birthday cake crumble and vanilla frosting. The middle tier is made of cheesecake, apple compote, and pie crumbs. The top tier is a mini salted pretzel cake.
Momofuku Milk BarMomofuku Milk Bar
Momofuku Milk Bar created this four-tier dulce de leche cake. The sweet treat is filled with dulce de leche frosting, dulce de leche, and milk crumbs.
Momofuku Milk BarMomofuku Milk Bar
A simple vanilla buttercream cake from Nine Cakes offers a minimalist take on the popular trend.
Nine CakesNine Cakes
Nine Cakes baked up an apple spice cake layered with lashings of caramel cream cheese buttercream.
Nine CakesNine Cakes
Superfine Bakery in Los Angeles, California cooked up this dreamy lemon cake filled with raspberry puree buttercream.
Superfine BakerySuperfine Bakery
Superfine Bakery calls this black-and-white confection its ‘Tuxedo’ flavor. To make it, Andrea Boudewijn alternates layers of ‘Black Onyx’ chocolate and vanilla cakes and fills the top and bottom layers of each tier with house-made fleur de sel caramel buttercream. A pure caramel center is a decadent surprise. The cake is adorned with fresh fruit and fleur de sel caramel sauce.
Superfine BakerySuperfine Bakery
This champagne cake from Superfine Bakery is encircled with olive branches and filled with strawberry puree buttercream.
Superfine BakerySuperfine Bakery
Also Read

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Utah Family's Four Children All Get Married in One Big Shared Wedding

Story from Yahoo Shine, written by Lilit Marcus, Shine Contributor
Jessica, Grace, mom Marie, Meagan, and Blaire on wedding day. Photo courtesy Amber Davis.
Jessica, Grace, mom Marie, Meagan, and Blaire on wedding day. Photo courtesy Amber Davis.
Marie and Kevin Fortney of St. George, Utah, never expected their four children to get engaged at the same time, let alone to decide to marry on the exact same day. But daughters Grace, Meagan, and Jessica and son Marcus decided that they wanted one huge wedding for all four couples. The happy event took place on Friday, June 15.
"They're all real close to each other," Marie Fortney tells Yahoo Shine about her kids, who are all close in age. Some are the Fortneys' biological children, and some are adopted. A fifth sibling, oldest son Casey, died last year, and the tragedy brought the family even closer. At first, eldest daughter Grace, 23, was holding off on her wedding to fiance Nick until her 21-year-old brother Marcus returned from his Mormon mission in Mexico. But when her two sisters, Meagan, 23, and Jessica, 19, began dating two close friends (Taylor and Kipp, respectively) and talking about marriage, and Marcus started planning a wedding with longtime girlfriend Blaire when he got home, the idea for group nutptials took hold.
For Mom, one of the challenges was making sure that each couple felt special and included. "We took the girls individually and picked out their wedding dresses," Fortney explains. "We did not know any of our children's in-laws very well, so we called each of them right off and took them out to dinner and got acquainted with them and explained that we wanted each family to have the wedding for their son or daughter that they wanted. We wanted to make it a happy time for everyone involved."Each couple had their own ceremony, which lasted about half an hour at the St. George Utah Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Then came a big communal buffet reception at a local ballroom. And every detail was a family affair: Kevin's sister, a florist, helped with flowers for the wedding, and members of all five families pitched to help make centerpieces. A Fortney family friend, Amber Davis, volunteered her photography services. 
Just as the siblings and their new spouses set off for their separate honeymoons, the story of the family's mega-wedding began making headlines after The Daily Mail wrote a story about it. Soon, Marie was being recognized by strangers. "I went into a store yesterday and a lady said 'Are you the woman with the brides? I saw it on TV this morning!'" she reports. But the Fortneys, now done with wedding planning, are taking the attention in stride. "We might as well enjoy it. My work's over. Now I can just enjoy these couples."
Next up for the Fortneys? They hope that their children's strong connections will remain throughout the rest of their lives and that they bring the family grandchildren who continue the loving bond. "That makes me excited, because I grew up with cousins my age who I was close to," Marie says about the possibility of her kids having grandchildren around the same time. "I hope they always stay close."