Thursday, April 5, 2012

Every Day A New One

If you have visited my blog before you may have noticed some changes! The biggest being that this is the first and only entry-all my previous entries are gone, my friends and followers gone-even the old URL-vanished! Poof! With one click of the keyboard we managed to erase several years of  history from blogspot. All attempts at to restored utterly failed!
Our immediate reaction? Horror! Devastation! Frustration! Loss! As it goes, with that recognition slowly comes acceptance, albeit with some grief and sadness.   Part of this process has been the acknowledgment that as we move forward we always have a choice. We can CHOOSE to stay in a position of moaning and groaning, or we can  "pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and START ALL OVER AGAIN!" And so begins that process. Just how to do it another story-but on reflection I am reminded that this situation is not so very different than how we can move forward in relationships. As relationships unfold, develop, mature they take on different shapes and boundaries. During this evolution hurdles may present themselves that can be difficult  and maybe even devastating. Once again we are faced with how to handle these situations - do we let them paralyze us and immobilize the relationship? Or do we confront, digest and then allow ourselves to restart and begin to rebuild? Depending on our choice/decision we may then allow ourselves to restructure something that is perhaps even wiser, has more depth and becomes more solid than what we had before. We can take an initially difficult situation as an opportunity to learn more about ourselves, our mate, our relationship to each other,  and discover strengths and abilities we never knew we had, both individually and together. In time the sting of  that  difficult experience can be replaced with the knowledge and confidence that we made it through to the other side-one filled with possibilities and opportunities we never had before-the dawn of a new day! (Of course in this case the dawn of a NEW BLOG!) Happy beginnings everybody.

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